Sunday, May 2, 2010

Be Humble

I once heard that no matter how grand the size of the tree, each leaf must return to its roots for nourishment. The roots Dave and I come from are both strong and deep, though different. He comes from a very academic family with University Professors in many areas. I came from farming roots on both sides. His side of the family is quiet and orderly, mine is crazy and hectic. It's interesting to compare childhood stories with those differences, and then realize that when it comes right down to the important things, we are are the same--equally yoked.

I fell in love with Dave for many reasons, but one that will continue to sink it's roots into my heart is how dedicated and devoted he is to living a steady, strong, devoted, loyal, selfless, Christ-centered life. We surely haven't made it to be "rich and famous" just yet, but I know without a doubt that even if we did, together we would return to our roots for nourishment daily. We are blessed to live near his side of the family and for the occasional visit to Arizona or Washington to visit mine. Our kids have been reminded regularly of the importance of family and where we all came from which keeps us humble and ever-reaching for growth.

Dave's family history is filled with amazing and sentimental stories that clearly depict how they all came to where they are... as is my family history. It is humbling to remember that we are somebody's family history and our stories will make a difference in their lives too.

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